Well i havna got a field, its just a few pvc greenhouses oot in the garden with tomatoes, salsa tomatoes, chilies and bell peppers (and some...
are the not alternative ways to pollinate plants? if so then what are they? i havna seen many bees this year, maybe 4 or 5 so my plants are...
The trees have actually gone very rusty now, sorry a noobs diagnosis which was wrong! I've been spraying them with a spray i got from the shops...
I've just put my 5ft apple, pear, and plum trees outside and the pear and plum seem to have adapted well but the apple one is not; its leaves are...
But they are inside! I'm just worried that it may start with my pear and apple trees too, i've had bad luck with fruit trees! I've uploaded a...
yeah the leaves are slightly curled and wilted. What do you mean by frosted?
I bought a bare 5ft pear tree last month and it started leaf'ing a couple of weeks ago but now the leafs are starting to fall of and i don't know...
Hi there, I live in scotland and i recently bought a apple and pear trees, about 12 inches in height, but lately they both have had problems....