Lorax - looking at A cubense I believe you are correct, I didn't think it was A schelechtendalil (I forgot the key word NOT, when talking about...
We have a large Anthurium schlechtendalii subsp. schlechtendalii (you can google it and the first few images are from NYBG). We have one of these...
Anthurium of sort I believe.
1-4 - Could be various varieties of Zinnia. 5 - Not sure what leaves go with that flower. 6 - Cosmos possibly (the very thin leaves) and more...
Looks like a Sedum - possibly Sedum telephium 'Autumn Joy'.
Without a pic I would venture a guess at a Duranta of some sort. But that's just a shot in the dark without a picture.
Possibly thinking Fagus.
Looks like some kind of Gall Mite.
Compare with Prunus serotina.
Read about 'Bolting'. When did you sow your seeds? They are both cool season crops.
I am not really sure as to why it is not doing well however - I feel you have some kind of tree ferns (possibly something in the Cyatheaceae...
Daniel - yes I have done that search and read most of those articles. But I do appreciate your assistance.
No help - just posting to see what the answer is.
Compare with - Rhipsalis capilliformis http://www.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&q=Rhipsalis%20capilliformis&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi
Here is a short definition. http://ecorestoration.montana.edu/mineland/guide/analytical/chemical/solids/ec.htm