It is an old fruit body of a puffball (Gasteromycetes). Possibly an atypical Calvatia (Handkea) utriformis is concerned. Cheers, Harri...
A fungus named Mutinus ravenelii. Cheers, Harri Harmaja
Lecanora varia. Cheers, Harri Harmaja
Festuca rubra. Cheers, Harri Harmaja
Deschampsia flexuosa. Cheers, Harri Harmaja
Maybe Agrocybe praecox. The underside of the cap and a view of the stipe (whether ringed or not) should be seen to attain a more reliable...
The fruit bodies appear quite thin. This would suggest a Stereum (S. ostrea or S. subtomentosum). We should know whether the lower surface (the...
Russula xerampelina. Regards, Harri Harmaja
The spore print -- the reddish colour -- is probably already seen on the cap fragment (another fruit body has grown partly above this one). Also,...
Some pure white (possible even undescribed?) relative of Entoloma sinuatum. The latter is deadly poisonous. Generally, you cannot tell that a...
A partly discolored ascocarp of Helvella lacunosa. Cheers, Harri Harmaja
Some puffballs are capable of what you described. A species of Scleroderma might be in question though the genus does not include pure white ones....
The species ("variety") is Lyophyllum connatum. In N.A., some use the incorrect name 'Clitocybe dilatata' for it. Cheers, Harri Harmaja...
Definitely not a Clavulina. It is Cladonia uncialis (ssp. uncialis). Cheers, Harri Harmaja
Definitely not a Clitocybe! Looks somewhat strange; maybe a species of Gymnopus (Collybia)? (By the way, actually "Clitocybe dilatata" of N.A....