First one to ripen. Wish there was about a dozen more! hahah... The next batch is swellin' up as we speak... They're lookin' good. Any...
I ordered some stuff called Shake Away, which is a organic pest repellent. Squirrels are my target species. It's basically Fox Urine in a...
Thanks for the comments fellas. Yes, a recirculating system w/ a pump and res would be in order for the TRUE hydro style. I don't know about...
Just got them transplanted into the stacker yesterday. CoCoCoir/Perlite mix, although next winter I'm dabbling into the HyDro realm and possibly...
How has that orchid turned out? ~ I've got a few that are a couple months old, and are pretty much dormant. ? ? ? I guess they're waiting on...
Here's a little photo update: They're finally grabbin' hold...
Any comments or perils of wisdom on this product? If thinking of adding it to my coco...
Re: StrawBerries : First Day in the System. It's gonna be a chilly 37F down here in SW Florida! Record low for the year expected tonight. (my...
BTW: those are yellow watermelon seedlings in there right now... hand watering until I get a power line run out there for my pumps and bubbler...
Thanks. I appreciate the info fellas... I found a spot to order em... I got 50 rooted starters on the way... :D I can't wait to get it set up...
any follow ups? I've got some seedlings under flouros right now getting ready to go outside... I hear this is pretty much perfect time for it in...
..and does anyone know where I can get cuttings so I don't have to mess w/ seeds and germinating... :(
Will I get strawberries under 18/6 lighting?