Acer japonicum 'meigetsu'????
Hi all! Is anyone can help me to identify this specie? I don't think that is a Japanese Maple... sounds like a big tree. Maybe an North...
Thanks Andrea! Your answer was very useful!
Dear all! I bought this as Kinshi. But It is normal their first leaves are so large??? Thank you! Guilherme Brazil
New pics my friends!!
Dear all! Here in the other side of the sea we are celebrating the starting of the spring. The first leaves and colors are coming. I can...
Dear friends, This small and young seedling of Katsura was planted about 20 days and already had young and vigorous leaves. In matter of...
Thanks for all, It's relly a great subject Onra. I thinking that I have an atropurpureum... my tree have an deep-green leafs in sometimes of...
Anybody can help-me?
More pics
Dear all, As you know, due the low resources that we have here in Brazil, many times some nurseries offer badly named Acer cultivars. Take...