HELP! I have a beautiful helleborus. Dark burgandy flowers when i bought it. It has a ton of new folliage but It's lost all of its colour! I...
Hi I bought a beautiful african violet about 6 months ago, and it had all kinds of flowers on it. Now, all the flowers are gone and have been...
can you cut rosemary right back to nothing? Mine looks moldy after the damp vancouver winter outside. It isn't very big, so is it ok to cut it...
hi so the first one (Possible Rhoeo) has grown really tall. it actually is now about 15+" tall and quite straggly. is there anyway to thicken it...
nope, just carpet. just wanted a picture of the tag. what's the best bet to keep it healthy then? the guy at the garden store said it should be...
Hi I live in burnaby, and have a balcony that is 6 feet deep by 14 feet wide. We live on the second floor and face west. I want to plant a...
Hi I just got this new helleborus which i love, and was told it does well in containers anyone have any suggestions? thanks
Hi I was wondering if anyone knows what these plants are. And how to properly care for them. The pink one has a lot of brown on its leaves....