Ron, Thanks for replying so quickly. We did that when we planted them and then early this spring, we weeded and put down fresh soil. Should we...
Hi Everyone, We live in Aldergrove BC on a large farm. About a year ago, we planted a large number of Portuguese Laurels (about 110) to grow out...
Thanks Everyone.
Hi Everyone, Over the last 2 years we have seen this uwanted beasty start to take over our entire lawn and now garden. I am wondering what it...
Hi Everyone, I did a some serching and can't really find any good information on the forums about this. I hope I am posting this in the right...
Pitt, Where did you get your trees from and how tall where they? I got mine from Hiway Cedar (I think thats the name) - they have signs...
I actually haven't figured out anything in regards to the red color. Ours did turn red again this fall and are quite 'rusty' now - but it is a...
Ron, Thanks for the quick reply. Question - why no landscape fabric? Weeds are already starting to grow vigorously - so that is why we...
Hi Everyone, We planted just over 60 Excelsa in November last year. We didn't put down any ground cover in hopes that they would get lots of...
Hi Everyone, Not sure if this the right forum ... but thought I would try here first. Now that the weather is starting to dry up here in...