Hi - I inherited a few Dracaena Marginata plants... then proceeded to do as I always do... which is water them too much. (DOH!) Anyhow - these...
I think the big tree like plant might be a ficus... but I'm not entirely sure. The other little one... I've seen them in plant stores, but I'm...
Thanks for the advice. On the first Dracanena, I've been waiting for about 6 months for new shoots to appear on the stalk... but nothing seems to...
What would you do if you were me? The first two photos are of a aloe that Ive seen grow quite quickly. You can make out the two leggy arms that...
Hey all - I recently snipped a couple shoots off of my Pachira and Dracaena.I now have them sprouting roots in water. I'm wondering if its...
Im a total plant newbie that has spent the last 48 hours reading about plant care. I guess where Im confused is how the experts get their...
Hi- I'm slowly learning about plants - this forum and its members have been very helpful. I've decided to try to prune my plants to get a better...
Good advice - I chopped it off and replanted it. Thanks all!
Thanks all - much appreciated!