We here in Nebraska aslo had a sunny dry day after many days of rain and clouds. You could see the fence was still wet with the morning shower....
I really do like the werewolf idea. It might have worked. " What was that noise? Oh my gosh you see what that tree did. Now we have werewolves. I...
You have definately nailed it. I now have ammunition.We are planning a family tree cutting. Although the "sig" will not actually look at the...
What is this tree part 2 [ATTACH]
Now that is just scary. !!!!
For some reason, that is only known to computers, I am unable to download a picture. May I say I would love to cut the tree down before it gets...
I have a multi trunk volunteer tree grwoing with in 12 inches of my foundation. It has small oval smooth edge not pinted leaves that are opposite...