Geranium pratense does seem to be the one, and the seed pods definitely look like a "crane's bill", Good to know I can rejuvinate them, they get...
Right on the money :) Thanks again, it's nice to know what I'm growing.
Ken R, They also seem to spread very well underground, almost like thick vines just under the soil. Does this sound right? I've been searching...
I forgot to mention that the white flowers have no scent during the day, but smell incredible at night. I was looking at nicotianas but it doesent...
Please help me identify these plants which are growing in my yard. The last 2 pictures are from the same plant. Thanks!
Thanks for the information, I love these plants and they have sentimental value. I am sooooo looking forward to growing plants in Vancouver, I'm...
Hello all...first post after much lurking :) My questions are: Can I sucessfully pot some Iris and Lily of the valley? ... I am going to...