I will wait for the carpels to open. It is very encouraging to see such a nice bloom grown from seed. thanks again for your help.
Thanks for the info. I expect I'll still be gardening in four to five years so I think it will be worth the wait and all the more interesting if I...
I was wondering if anyone can tell me when to plant my tree peony seeds. Do they require stratification? Will they be different than the parent...
Yes that is Kale! I can't tell you what kind of the top of my head as there are many varieties.
I like the dog! We are eating greens and radishes from our garden and the broadbeans are up! I'm starting artichokes this year they are still in...
Plant a few rows of radishes, peas, lettuce and spinach, wait two weeks and plant your beets. Then plant a few more rows of the what you planted...
Western red cedar locally milled is your best bet. A lot of the guys with portable sawmills often can offer you a good deal on "garden grade" wood...
In my part of the world (pacific north west) Climbing roses are NOT pruned in the first two years except any dead diseased or dying growth, after...
I just started my tomatoes. Squash and Cucumber are going to wait until the last half of April. I find the planting chart for coastal BC that is...
As far as food goes... I've got leeks, onions, celeriac and artichokes all happilly growing in trays. Greenhouse raised beds currently have...
I stand corrected. I will put this info in the memory bank.
Haworthia pumila. I'm pretty sure....I've been wrong before though!
Haworthia....I think....not yet sure which variety