Who knew? Thank you, again, Ron B. Frith
Just discovered discolored, distorted berries and spotted leaves on my 4 year old serviceberry (Amelanchier laevis). The berries are swollen 5-6...
Thanks SusanDunlap. It's not my plant so I won't be breaking any stems, but I'm pretty sure it's one of the 2000. I love pretty much every...
Thanks Ron - looks like E.polychroma "Bonfire".
I've only seen a couple specimens of this plant, about 12" across and the same high, rounded form, purplish leaves with yellow new growth. Colors...
Ew. Glad I checked and thanks for your quick reply.
I would introduce this little plant to my yard if I knew it isn't invasive. About 1" high, seems to form mats (spread by runners?), has deeply...
Thanks Lysichiton. I had found this thread but it didn't offer solutions. Rats!
Thank you Ron - very helpful. Frith
Can anyone help me restore the soil beneath my bird feeder? I have a large and previously lush veggie bed directly below my bird feeder. Last year...
Thanks for your replies. Any fear of this being a problem in the NW? I read that L. fragrantissima can be invasive in the south.