I don't think so. The area is directly adjacent to and north of a 3 storey wall, and there are nearby walls on the other 3 sides (courtyard). Sun...
Flat, although probably designed to drain somehow. If there is a slope it is subtle.
I think so. There is just a 150 sf area of grass in this situation and all of the grass is in poor condition, partly due to lack of maintenance....
Thanks for following up GreenGoose! OK, so it sounds like I am misunderstanding the role of sand - that its role is to wick, not necessarily...
Thanks for sharing your experience jimmyq...
Buzzbee and GreenGoose, thanks for your replies! It's so great to get feedback on this issue after spending a lot of time trying to find answers....
Hello, I am looking for solutions for a 150 s.f. patch of lawn that is currently struggling (lots of patches of bare soil). Here's the situation...