I've planted bulbs in December before with some success.
I have a large hazelnut tree growing in our backyard, and it has quite a few brown leaves here and there throughout the tree this summer. It also...
Thanks for the reply, fiddick. It's good to know this is normal for day lilies.
I have pink hydrangea blooms but they are flowering now, and probably won't be by then. I hope you find some though. My daughter is getting...
Is it normal for day lily leaves to turn yellow after the plant has finished flowering?
I have a balloon flower (platycodon) plant that has some wilting and yellowing stems. At first I thought it was due to a lack of water, but I've...
It has had plenty of moisture this year, but am considering moving it to a shadier site. Thank you.
Just wondering if this is the normal leaf color for Enkianthus in the Summer time? Last year they actually turned brown and fell off before Autumn...
I have had trouble growing morning glory in the past, but have recently had success. I find it easiest to start indoors, since they need warmth,...
I haven't noticed any galls on it yet this year, but my most of the leaves are brown and dead looking. Could this be caused by the sudden cold...
Thanks so much for your reply. I realize my description is poor, I should have taken a few pictures. I removed the plants and majority of the...