Thanks all for the suggestions. It's looking like this is a bit of a mystery still. I did contact the owner of the nursery where I bought the tree...
Do the leaves on yours look similar when they first emerge? I have the regular species and was trying to compare them. They both seemed to leaf...
Actually, I'm wondering if it might be A. s. Royalty. Anyone familiar with that? Does it ever get some green on the inside of the lobes?
In the Trompenburg photo, how old are those leaves? Is that what the look like when they first unfold, or are they more mature? Regardless, that...
This is quite different, especially at the tips. The new leaves at the tips never look lighter like this on my plant. By the looks of this photo,...
I've been out to check the plant. I couldn't see any leaves with more than 7 lobes, so it can't be a pure Shiraswanum. It probably has some...
I'm curious, are you a wholesaler or a retailer? I bought this from Aarts Nursery in Langley. If you are a grower, perhaps it is something you...
It does look a bit like that, but somehow from other photos I've seen it looks a little off. The colours of trompenburg seem more vivid -- but...
I think I might have looked at Sensu online before and dismissed it as a possibility because the coloration doesn't seem right. The photo doesn't...
Hi All, I bought an unlabeled maple. It was amongst a lot of Japanese maples and the nursery was supposed to have Acer pseudosieboldianum...
Hi All, hopefully someone can help me out. I live and garden in Orillia ON, Zone 5, but I bought the maple in question in the suburbs of...
Yes, I was quite surprised to find an unfamiliar corydalis at the local horticultural society's plant sale. The most exotic things they tend to...
This photo looks even more like what I've got: Corydalis temulifolia ssp. aegopodioides - Изображение растения - Плантариум