Thanks, Ron. The only difference that I can think of for this year is that the blossoms came out very early due to the mild winter and the warm...
Hello, We have a 10 year old Cherry Blossom tree. It produced an abundance of blossoms in early March. As the blossoms faded away, the leaves...
Thanks again, jimmyq. I will remove the branch ASAP. Best wishes for the New Year! Regards, Fenton
Hi jimmyq, Thank you for the prompt response. Should I remove the branch now or wait till Spring arrives? Regards, Fenton.
Hello, Due to the recent heavy snowfall in Vancouver, a branch of my Cherry Blossom tree cracked in the middle. To relieve the weight on the...
Thank you very much for all your advice. I'll take a sample to a garden shop to get a "hands-on" diagnosis. Regards, Fenton.
Hello, I have several English Laurel bushes which have been infected with the shot hole disease. New leaves have small brown spots - which turn...