If you want a pretty house plant which may never produce fruit, from seed is very fun because you get to watch it grow. I would plant that with...
If the soil is suspect, get your plants out of if immediately and go bake your soil in the oven at about the boiling point of water (I think...
Nylons work really well for keeping pets out of plant pots. My cats will stand on wire mesh (they are old and sneaky and bend the wire so that it...
Thyme leaves are a bit narrower and lighter in color at that size. I would say it is probably oregano of some sort, but your best bet for...
Most fertilizers list the percents of major ingredients on a nice side label. You may have to look at your bag from several unusual directions to...
Fungus gnats can also cause issues with mold. They invade every year here and make nuisances of themselves. The cinnamon works provided the...
How big is your Ponderosa and could you post a picture of what it is doing now? It may not be just a soil issue anymore. Check for fungus gnats,...
Those little self watering trays are a nuisance. if you fill the tray itself, you aren't flushing or evenly distributing nutrients and if you...
I have not moved one of these, so I can only speak kind of generally. But the idea behind a fall or spring move is to do it when the tree has the...
Check window seals, doors to the great outdoors, under the sink, ect... If you have any areas that are moist and stay moist then they have likely...
Also if it has the fungus it probably means you need ta take it easy on the watering for at least the duration of your treatment process. Only...
You're welcome! If you need any more help don't hesitate to ask the community via a thread or private messages to some of our more experienced...
There are many threads on this subject and in fact, most of the citrus care advice can be applied to your tree with no ill effects. You are going...
Mint of some sort? It looks very similar to peppermint - especially the flower structure - without the jagged leaf edges. Try breaking of a leaf...
The root trimming can cause some dying back with plants at first, but usually my plants in general (my citrus are in 3 inch pots at the moment so...