Thanks and thats what it is. On plants for a future says that they are half edible if ripe.None ripe are toxic and its been known for death it...
This plant is growing wild in near the sheds and I have no clue what it is. My dogs want to eat the berries and they are full of seeds. So what is it?
Thanks for the advice on the trees. I would go with a Magnolia tripetala or a Magnolia macrophylla. We have alot of wind so it could be in a...
We had a heat wave before in Augest and my trees did not make it (tamarack) killed by 37C and humidex 48C. I need a nice heat tolerent tree and...
This has been growing by my house and I have no clue what it is. It has small sharp spines. The leaves are huge. Its starting to grow flower buds.
Thanks. I had owned that land before but I sold it and they will be putting houses in. I had asked to take it out so I could save the tree.It was...
I had transplanted this tree from a forest and at first it looked like a honey locust because the leaves got tiny at first but now they recovered...