Ed, Thanks for you reply. Have you ever seen this "day wilt" phenomenon with tomato plants? Maureen
Hi, Is there such a thing as what I am calling "day wilt"? I looked at my emerging Hibiscus while in a hurry to leave my house when the sun...
We bought and planted 5 beautiful rose plants that were blooming in early June. We fertilized (root stimulator and slow release nitrogen) and...
Thank you so much Eric. If I knew how to post a picture, I would. I have a digital camera....I just don't know how to add the picture here!...
It is from the Biltmore Estate in Asheville North Carolina. It is called "Luna Red", but I didn't get the latin name....I can try to get it from...
Sorry, I'm not computer savy enough to post a photo. We went out today and pulled them up. I believe they were weeds as I first suspected. Thanks!
Will we need to dig this plant up and bring it inside for the winter?
We recently planted three pontentilla plants...two yellow and one white. All three are in bloom. I am seeing growth coming from the bottom of...
We just planted a beautiful Hibiscus Plant from the Biltomore Estate in our garden, purchased at our local nursery. It said full sun and seems to...