Aesir22, you may be right about the dry air in offices. I neglected to mention that the brief recovery took place after I took the plant home,...
Liz and lorax, thanks for your replies. I will try misting regularly, if I can remember to do so. As for feeding, I have not tried to...
Hi JenRi, Thanks for your reply. From York to New York! I just potted the plant only about four months ago, when the roots were still maybe...
I've got both a response and a question. In my experience, the corn/cane plant is extremely resilient. Last year, a stalk in the office tipped...
I have a standard office plant, which I think is some kind of ficus. My problem is the plant's sparse foliage and lack of growth. I've had...
Actually, after the second leaf-shedding, all of the leaves fell, including the new growth and the few larger leaves that had survived the first...
Aftermath: After nearly all the leaves were gone, I waited to see what would happen. A friend came by and said the soil was too dry, and watered...
Thank you Millet and Issac for all your advice. The flower shop that I got this from has a no-return policy, so I'm not sure if they'll take it...
Today, the 15th day after I got the plant and the 3rd day after I noticed leaves curling, the plant has lost 95% of its leaves and the remaining...
Help! Massive leaf shedding on Calamondin! Will my orange plant make it? Help! My Calamondin’s leaves are dying off en masse! When I bought...
I have three questions about this plant with large foliage. See attached photos. (1) What kind of plant is this? The Chinatown florist...