Your Palm looks like Phoenix roebelinii or a hybrid thereof. I'm not sure what disease this may be.
Thanks for the quick responce. That certainly looks like it to me from looking at other pictures.
This came up in my vegetable garden a couple of years ago and is now blooming for the first time. It is quite drought tolerant even in a pot and...
What you have there is indeed a type of Aeonium. I'm not sure what specific species or variety you have there, but the care is about the same for...
4. Plectranthus
I took this picture in May, of aDudleya located in the hills above Gavita, California. It was growing in a crack of a large sandstone boulder on...
Here is what I think they are. 1. Bougainvilla 2-3 Lycianthes rantonnei 4-7 Pandorea jasminoides 8-9 Solanum jasminoidies One with Orange...
It remided me of the pods I have seen on Cassia leptophylla. I think you are on the right track with Cassia.
It reminds me of the Matilija poppy.
Tibouchina or Princess Flower
Avocado trees are only able to tolerate minimal frost and young trees are much more sensitive than mature trees. Your tree would be killed by...
Many palms have thorns or spines so be careful. Phoenix palms can have some nasty ones. I would advise bringing your palm in before it is...
Your palm looks like Phoenix roebelenii also know as Pygmy Date Palm. This palm would not be cold hardy for your area. It looks like it could use...