Thanks for responding again:) Sure I am still interested in finding the proper ID :( Help would we very welcome.
It could be Stratiotes aloides, because the plant seems, kind of, ready to sink for the coming winter. But I am still not sure. Some more help...
Another picture which does show some leaves is attached but they don't seem to be heart-shaped.
One more water plant photographed in Assam, India.
Thanks for the ID. Confirmed on it in deed is a Nymphoides indica (water snowflake). My other picture...
I found this growth on a tree in a rainforest like situation in Assam, northeat India. I would like to have some information on this. 2nd image is...
Found these beautiful flowers in a pond in Assam, northeast India.
Michael, Thank you for the link. It certainly looks like Aristolochia cathcartii Hook. f. I wonder if it is common to find them in northeast...
Found this one growing under a bush in Manas national park in the northeast of India.
Photographed it in March 07 in Manas National Park in North-east India. It was found under a bush. Is it a ground Orchid? Please help identify....