My early pea crop is finished and I have dried pea seeds from the same. Can I replant these seeds the same year and expect decent results?
I purchased the tree from a local nursery in Canada. Unfortunately I have cut the tree down this year after 10 years of virtually no plums....
I have an edible cherry tree called 'Aaron' which according to the tag is a genetic dwarf cherry and is self-pollinating. It flowers every...
I'm looking for a white and a red wine grape that will be on the hardy side to grow in the lower mainland area near Vancouver. We don't get the...
after nearly two years of trying to import wine grape vines from Quality Nursery I have been told that the root dipping chemicals are unavailable...
Can anyone suggest a possible pollinizer for a "peach plum" fruit tree? The tree is supposedly a self-fertile tree, but still haven't had any...
It is a Cyathea Cooperi.....
Can an Australian Tree Fern be kept outside in the Pacific Northwest (BC) if it is covered and kept dry similar to banana plants? I have...
Thanks for all your sage advice! I did receive my import permit (about 3 months late as the permit apparently was lost in the bureaucracy)....
One tree is a "peach plum", supposedly self-fertile.... any suggestions for a companion plant for this tree to help with pollination?
I have a magnolia grandiflora which has never bloomed in the ten years it has been in the ground. The tree looks healthy and have new foliage...