Dianthus "Fancy Knickers": anyone know where I can buy this in BC?
Can anyone help with a variety name these two Sempervivum? DJR
This thread is of interest to me because I'm trying to eradicate common mulleins from the boulder-built retaining wall that separates me from my...
I'd like to try growing a rooibos plant (for tea). Anyone know of a supplier? DJR
Plant with large arrowhead-like leaves, thick stemmed, with long pointed-tip flower buds. Appeared "like magic". Is it a keeper? DJR
Thank you, chuckrkc. Looks like Macleaya cordata could be worth a try. DJR
Can someone tell me, in feet per year (given ideal conditions of course), what I can expect from trees that are labeled slow, moderate, and fast...
I've got the same problems as Lunar. I've heard about clumping bamboo. That it's fast, it's tall, and it's not invasive. But will it grow in...