BTW, Ron B, do you think the plant in the photo is indeed the subject at hand? I could not tell for certain. My point, as all those who know me...
Don't forget 'edulis'.
It might be an elaeagnus multiflora ('Goumi'), a type of Russian Olive (though not an olive at all). It's often used for bonsai, if you type...
Not a field of poppies exclusively: this was a dried floral/garlic/cut flower farm field, a substantial amount of poppies (hundreds) but equal...
Everywhere I've lived, I and pretty much any one I've known with a garden have grown them, often in the hundreds: beautiful, and it seems after...
Chusquea is another good genus to look into, for sure. Chusquea culeou is nice, but its hardiness varies fairly dramatically, depending on the...
Much depends on your situation: how tall do you want the hedge to be? Is the site located in sun, part sun, or shade? The clumping varieties that...
One caveat with seaweed: excellent stuff, but watch where you harvest. Fresh (tideline) and just above is usually good, but the higher up on the...
Portugese laurel (prunus lusitanica) will get there reasonably fast, well manured and watered: bamboo is fast, beautiful, and eminently...
It generally takes a mature forest of about 200 metres depth to attenuate traffic noise, so clearly planting to absorb the sound is impractical: a...