you're right............when i take them outside in the spring, i'll re-pot the xmas you know if a hot chili plant is a perennial for...
hello, ron, and thanks, so much for the quick ans.......mine, also, has been in the same pot for about 12 or more years, but it's overflowing the... n.j. it's nov. 4th, 2007.......the pot that houses my xmas cactus has outgrown itself.........i'd like to transplant it into a...
last nite, nelran, we had our first frost here in nj.........i just checked my tree and found the leaves are just starting to be a very dark red,...
more important for me, greg, is to remove the organic stigma from my mind......of course, not being a soil biologist, there's so much to gain from...
thanks to all you good guys who answered..........actually, then, the only true organic amendment, or fertilizer is compost which is made from...
i have no camera, but is there a general rule......this plant is about 4 or 5 years old, about 4 feet tall........not growing much in height but...
hello....maybe someone can tell organic fertilizer, are there ANY chemicals.....seems to me, just the name organic allows me to...
hello.....i have a japanese maple tree i'd like to identify so i can prune it do i describe this plant......thanks, dg