There will be a brief intermission while I run off and find my Fairweather Gardens catalog and check this out. Scott
I'm trying to figure out what that plant called C. sinensis calvescens that I sall, smelled, and photographed at Dawes is and where, if anywhere,...
In just doing a bit more research (more to follow), I have learned that Corylopsis platypetala is synomous with C. sinensis calvescens. Scott
PG, The first two were taken at Dawes, which is a solid zone five. If I remember right, David 5311 has got C. pauciflora up in Michigan, or he...
Corylopsis spicata. Scott
Corylopsis platypetala. Scott
Here is a close-up of Corylopsis glabrescens. Scott
Here are the flowers. Scott
I've been trying the best I can to gather up a decent photo collection of Corylpsis species in bloom this year. Difficult due to the rarity of...
I've heard different arguments regarding the severity of fireblight to plants. Is this a disease that greatly weakens and/or kills trees and...
Will anybody have access to seeds of either Acer leucoderme or Acer barbatum in the coming season? I would really like to try to grow these and...
Daniel, Thanks for the great link. I had no idea so many hornbeams exist in China. Naively, I had thought that since I had most of the hornbeams...