Thank you so much for your fast reply and the great link. This site never lets me down! :=) Debi
I purchased these plants while on vacation this week. I know nothing about them. Can someone please identify them for me?? Thanks, Debi
yeah.....I'd say you are right on!!
She is setting on a wooden ledge in front of the window. Actually I only put water in the saucer and it disappears on it's own. I give her a...
Looks to me like it could be a type of cactus called cereus huilunchu. Debi
I have had a cactus of some sort pretty much all of my life. Being raised in Arizona has made me quite partial to them. If you are watering your...
This is my little Begonia that has bloomed constantly for a year and a half. In the dead of winter with 3 feet of snow on the ground she sets in...
Can you identify this very large plant for me? The leaves are fuzzy and it stands about 4 1/2 feet tall. Recently the top has erupted with...
Thank you all so very much. She is such a beautiful tree that I just had to know what she was. :=) Debi
This tree I have in my yard blooms every June. At first I thought it was wisteria but looks more like some sort of "sweet pea" flowering tree....
I recently purchased a cute little cactus planter and it is in dire need of transplanting into a larger container. I really do not want to...