How interesting... Thank you kindly!
I've noticed a bunch of these vine thingees growing at the back of my property but I have no clue what they are. Hopefully you guys will know!...
Wow... Well once again, thank you kindly! ^_^
O_o ...whoa... ^_^ Thank you kindly for the help Ralph. I'm just curious. Did the Dr. Gordon Shrum guy survive?
Okay, here's what happened. About a month or two back I snipped off a piece of one of my peppermint plants (with adequate roots and such) and...
Wow... how awesome is that! Thank you kindly Newt! Such interesting info to learn about. *^_^*
I've been wondering about this for a while. I had a peppermint plant a while back and some of its roots had gotten accidentally cut off. Though...
Wow... thank you kindly! Thank you so much each of you! I appreciate your help so much!
Ah awesome! Thank you kindly! One more question though... how can you tell the difference between oaks? The color of the bark? The shape of the...
Hi. I really hope someone can help (especially considering the fact that I'm worthless at tree identification). I took this from the end of...
Ahh right! But still though, didn't all that stuff take place over towards Mexico, New Mexico, etc., not anywhere near Georgia? ~*takes a moment...