Thank you for spending time on my requests. I know I can depend on your expertise.
Thanks for reminding me to go to the basics of mushroom identification. Again, sorry for the scanty information. These three mushrooms are...
Sorry, I didn't want to pull the mushroom off to look at the underside of the cap so that other people can enjoy looking at them. (My other photos...
Thank you Frog. I was originally not too far off on this one.
The description of the various macro features in the article is exactly what I saw. The only thing that does not fit is the size. Unfortunately, I...
Thank you Sulev for the confirmation, and the useful link. Interestingly, the article mentioned that the cap is 2.5-4 cm across. Other references...
Third mushroom - Questionable stropharia ? Please confirm.
Second mushroom - Macrolepiota procera ? Please confirm.
This season is great for mushroom lovers. I am on Mayne Island, and there are hundreds of mushrooms - a feast to the eyes. I am not going to eat...
Thank you, Junglekeeper. This is such a beautiful tree. I was searching in the wrong place. It is not a palm!
I first saw this tree on my visit to Singapore in the 1980s. I saw it again at the Singapore National Orchid Garden in 2018. It is a very...