NEIRAN We don't have it much better if any at all here in N Fl. One of our trees still had red leaves for Christmas. But they do seem to have to...
If I'm not mistaken there are JM being grown in Arizona,and S Cal. I don't think the desert conditions would necessaryly kill them if you kept...
Yenling I agree, I wouldn't be at all afraid to use cutting grown plants for Bonsai. The graft is usually the dealbreaker for Bonsai. I have...
Yenling, welcome to the maple sickness. It will get worse(if you are lucky) May I ask , Are you going to use these cuttings for Bonsai ? BTW you...
Opps! forgot something. The artical on airlayering the Trident Maple is dead on. I would lump airlayering a trident maple in there with Plain Old...
If you are creating a Bonsai ,and want a root system at a particular place on the trunk and as the shishigashira is a green maple , you might...
Re: Acer palmatum 'Shirazz' I got a 4' AP Shirazz today at a Tallahassee nursery. They said it came from North Carolina . I was impressed with...
Top Cat I doubt if they will grow true from seeds . I really don't know . Seems like I read the original was just a green maple, that showed a...
whis4ey Yep, I have a Glowing Embers , growing in the full Gulf Coast sun. It shows no ill effects , unlike my ShinDeshojo who does pretty good,...
Re: Growing Maples from Cuttings Top Cat Try taking your cuttings in the late winter/spring , when the buds are swelling.keep them in the shade...
Which ever system you decide, you can get a timer at Lowes , for less than $25.00 , that is so simple to set up, even I have done it . I just use...
Hey Katsura I've only been tending maples about 8 yrs. and as maple folk go, that just getting started. So I'll be glad to share my...
Hey Ron and Oscar. Yep , I try to water in the morning or late afternoon . I never intentionally water leaves in the heat of the day. I have...
I keep Osakisuki , Shin Desojo , Glowing Embers,(in the ground,not in pots) in full sun have had no problems here in N Fl, Gulf Coast. I do keep...
Jubendy. What part of the country do you live in ?? It could make a differance....