I've found that bonsai mix is an excellent growing medium--I think the air in the soil and the perfect drainage promote vigorous root growth. It's...
Well, looks like I wasn't clear; I should stay away from these quick replies. So--I'd repot the plant into fresh soil this year without disrupting...
Hello Atapi-- I agree with Ron that getting them into good fresh soil for the coming year to ensure that they are healthy is a good idea. When...
I have mixed experience with leaving potted maples outside over winter, here where in a typical year winter temps fall to 15 F below zero (-26 C)....
Sorry to hear about your losses over past winters--I would find that extremely frustrating. I must say, the losses surprise me--I've been growing...
I don't know much--anything--about the weather in Kansas, so my experience may not be relevant. I know that I've had big losses among my maples in...
M&P-- Yes, I think making one the major terminal and the other subsidiary would probably take care of the splitting issue. Oddly, I've never...
Let me see if I can be clearer. Imagine a young tree with two main branches that are vertical and more or less parallel. Each of them, of course,...
I'm in zone 5 or 6--depending on the winter--and I don't protect any of my trees. That said, I have lost a fair number over the years, but I've...
I think the crucial element is a dormant period. Back when I did bonsai, I asked this question of some people of vast experience, and they said...
Thank you Gomero! If I understand you correctly, scions from a previously grafted plant are just as likely to revert as the previous graft. I...
Here's a question I've been wondering about for some time. I've posted before about this variegated silver maple. Ten or 15 years ago I noticed a...
Another approach, which I've used for years: collect seed, ideally when the wings begin to brown; dry them out a little for a day or two; put them...
Hi there-- When I was a grad student in horticulture, people used to funnel me the Japanese maple questions that came in from the public, and...