Hello, I am wondering if someone can help me figure out why many of my maples (in containers) do not seem to be growing. Every year, the plants...
I'm sure this topic has been brought up before, but is there a general explanation - and solution to - the problem of maples leafing out in spring...
Yeah...these are definitely pocket gophers. We bought this house in 2009, and in just 2 1/2 years, the entire backyard is basically barren of all...
Came home to find a gopher mound very close to my new planted Acer Rubrum...grrrr! Now, I don't know if the little bugger was just tunneling...
OK, thanks folks. Will do right away. Glad to know it's not something more sinister.
Hi, I have a nice Ap Red Dragon in a 24" box, and just today, I've noticed something troublesome with some of the leaves. I've been watering...
What should I look for?
We had a very long dry spell in January, though still cold. It did warm up in the first few weeks of Feb, and I was concerned about the plants...
Hi, it's spring here in the SF Bay Area, and most of my 1 and 2 gallon maples have started leafing out. Some of them have been very vigorous this...
I moved my Hana Matoi some weeks back into full shade, as the full sun was beginning to damage the leaves. Now the coloration is a very dark...