About 5 months ago I planted some clementine seeds and now I have three 6 and a half in trees. I figured that they had outgrown their dixie cups...
I have many japanese red maple seedlings at my house and I was wondering since I have seen alot if someone could tell me hoe to make a bonsai out...
I started four lemon trees from seed 8 months ago, and I started four clementine trees 3 and a half months ago. The lemons trees are about6...
I live in sudbury mass, but you can buy lemon trees at http://meyerlemontree.com/, or you could challenge yourself like I did and grow them from seed
i believe the best way is to get them out by hand, and since mushrooms are decomposers you should probably remove all dead and rotting matter in...
yes i have grown four lemon trees from grocery store lemon seeds and three clementine seeds, and they look great, but they are not old enough to...
Helo I live in cape cod and last year I started a garden, I had many things in it of which most were tomatoes. The tomatoe plants were looking...
Hello, I have three Japanese Red Maple trees in my yard, and in the spring there were many seedling scattered about my yard. I have planted about...
Hello, I have a meyer lemon tree at my home, i live in New England, and throughout the winter it was placed next to a window and produced lemons....