Thank you guys very much.. I got the 3rd plant from the cacti/succulent show in San Francisco a few years back and after seeing these photos, I...
ANd one more, I had this guy for awhile... I am assuming that it is some kind of succulent.. again, just another ID, its been bugging me.
And here is another plant that I got from a friend. She has these growing in her backyard and gave me a piece. I am not sure what it is. She...
Okay so i went to the nursery today to buy some small Terracotta pots and saw this little guy sitting there and it was marked Epiphyllum. But just...
Thank you so much! I also have this Cyphostemma juttae that is still small, but I want to move it to a bonsai pot. How do i achieve the fat base...
I have this thing about growing succulents in Bonsai Pots, there is something very intriguing and different about having succulents growing in...
Do you dead head Pacific Coast Iris after blooming or will there be another flower bloom on the same stalk later on? I am not too sure, I just...
Thanks growest... the information you provided seems like the right direction. I believe it might be a Crocosmia paniculata of osme sort...
Thanks for your input... Thats how the flowers look like and that's all. :)
Here are pictures of the flowers..
The flowers are actually open. Well some of them. I will upload a close up picture tomorrow.
I have this plant that started to pop up like crazy and actually its becoming invasive and ugly because it is growing in all of the wrong places....