Thanks for the advice, I read up on them yesterday and am quite excited for my first orchid...People leave me these things when they don't know...
Now people are leaving their half dead plants in my garden...can anyone help me identify this one so I can attempt to save it?
From what I gather they are winter bloomers so it is most likely at the end of its reproductive stage. Whatever you do don't over water it, in...
I had sought high and low for the answer for weeks now, withing five minutes of posting my inquiry I found the answer by accident.
I think I found it; perhaps Kalanchoe blossfeldiana?I found this picture from
It's an amazingly resilient little bugger, I killed it and was going to compost it in the spring when all of a sudden it started blooming again...
Two photos included; one of the foliage and one of the vegetation. Thanks for the help in advance.