Hi Jwarndt: Read about your troubles. I also read Steves' link . Lots of eye-opening info there. I am truly stumped about your troubles with...
Okey dokey, thank Joclyn. Chester
Hi all: A few years ago I asked how to care for my E. Multiplex/oxygona. It died before I had much of a chance to grow it (left it outside and...
Hey there: I've just acquired a Eucharis 'Christine' and am wondering if anyone has one and can tell me a bit more about it. I have the big...
And a very nice one I might add.
Oh, that is very nice. You're right. I particularly like the reddish new stems. That adds some nice interest as well. Do you have a regular...
Sadly I did not receive my variegated bella. The vendor mixed up the order and will not be able to supply me with one until next year. Thanks...
Hi there: I have some sort of Euphorbia milii hybrid. Lovely plant with nice green leaves and big yellow/pinkish 'flowers'. Well after a...
Hey there: Replaced my peanut cactus (which I foolishly pitched) with one purchased at the grocery store. It has bloomed and has a light...
I am familiar with many of the growers in my neck of the woods, and have contacted them. All contacted have told me they are not growing it at...
Can you post another pic when the flowers open more, or do they stay like that? I'm new to dischidia's, which is rather embarassing as I'm a...