anotheer photo here we go
my site sorry, that first picture is what I'd likee to achieve. this is thee existing site.
more info on Silk tree site Thanks Rob for thee info. Here's a pic of the location. I would likee something to screen that big house a bit ......
I would like eto plant onee or two silk trees, mimosa or alibizzia ..someething in my East Van sunny garden. I am looking for tips ......
Next question regarding Alibizzia Is this a good tree for Vancouver home gardens? If so ... where can I buy it?
I think we can close this threat now. It looks like the winner is Alibizia :) I think we can close this threat now. It looks like the winner is...
leaves anothr pic
more pics Here we go
Albizzia julibrissin I think so too
someebody told me it looks like a Fallgold Black Ash Here's another pic
What is this tree?
I am looking for a very fast growing vine to screen part of my neighbor's deck. Full sun, east van .... what can I get? Any ideas? Thanks!!!