Well, it's official. My 22 year old grapefruit is dead. Let this be a word of warning to other amateur (aka. "stupid") citrus growers like me:...
BabyBlue, Well, I have it outside and it's getting a good deal of rain with temperatures in the 60s during the day and the 50s at night. I pulled...
Can anyone enlighten me about how, when, and why a person goes about grafting a citrus tree? Are there any good references on the web or good books?
I'd have to say limes. They are great on most Thai food and even better in a rum and Coke!
BabyBlue, Thanks! I tried bending the smaller branches a little and they are still flexible, so maybe there's hope yet! Caroline
I thought you guys might want to see the dried out version of my tree - I just took the picture this morning...
Thanks BabyBlue11371 and Millet. How many nodes is enough nodes? It has (had) a ton of leaves. Once in a wind storm on our deck all of it's...
Junglekeeper, Thanks for your response to my other post... to answer these questions: No, my grapefruit has never flowered. My brother, who has a...
Hi! I also have a Norfolk Pine that is an indoor plant and is about 12 feet high. Occasionally a few fronds dry up and fall off; I don't think...
I just recently posted a response about my 22 year old grapefruit tree that I started from a seed and now I've got a question. I live in Minnesota...
I found a seed sprouting in grapefruit that I was eating 22 years ago. All I did was stick it in a pot with regular potting soil. I gradually...