Thanks, @Junglekeeper, yes I am definitely interested in any kind of seed. One of my goals is to make umeboshi, the best ever was from someone's...
Okay, thank you! I'm willing to try. I did buy some Acer palmatum seeds from a Chinese seller, they all sprouted, it was only a dozen, but the...
Yves at Bonsai ENR in Quebec recommended Canada Bonsai, and that site has a resource list of many groups and societies, so I'll go through those...
Okay, I've looked up their contact info and will try to find out if they would! thanks
Were they shipped from afar? What did you order? I am always wondering about the quality if it comes from China or somewhere, and the time it...
Hi Living Collector, I'd love to get some seeds of P. mume from anywhere there is a fruiting tree! If you have access to any where you can obtain...
Yes, I did find them and noted out of stock. I will email them to LMK if they get more in. It's the time of year when people are getting in seeds...
Hi all! I've reached out to a couple of members who have P. mume growing, but I'd like to put it out into the arena to see if I can get some...
I have also found some table grape varieties from Ontario and Quebec vineyards. So I will have a selection of maybe 10 varieties to start my...
@Georgia Strait I checked out that article. Lightfoot Vineyard in Wolfville is one of the bright lights in the wine scene here! Schmidt sounds...
Hi again, I have received back answer from Green Thumb and Eco-sense, they don't ship. Clearview does, I am waiting to hear back if they will ship...
@Georgia Strait thanks for the tip! I just looked them up, yes they are still working on grape variety hardiness according to the website. Found...
Thanks Junglekeeper! I just heard back from Eco-sense, they don't ship, but they did have it. The other two I hope to get information from...
Doing some web searching I saw an old thread here mentioning Monukka grape vines, someone in Canada was growing them. I can't find any to buy, I'm...