Thanks Susan
Thank you Susan, Mandarin and saltcedar Photo 1 and 2, is the same, and Im agree with Mammillaria geminispina, photos 2 and 3, Im agree with...
Thanks Mandarin and Saltcedar
Can you identify my cactus? Please first I think is Mammillaria ignota, second I think is Mammillaria uncinata, third I think is Ferocactus...
Thank you very much, Susan.
Thanks Susan, More Photos, first Coryphanthia, Second and Third Ferocactus, They have 15 years old I think, Both
Today blossomed my Coryphantha, The flower is yellow with red center, is Coryphantha durangensis? I think the other photo isFerocactus...
Very Thanks, Mandarin and Susan blooms almost
Can you identify my cactus? Please