Hi! Who knows where I can buy some 2" Square X 2⅛" deep pots in Canada or Usa? Thank you Roman
Thanks for fast and full replies.
I have a question regarding Lophophoras: Is it Ok to grow them in Canada? Maybe odd question,but in US you might get to jail,am I right?
I have some baby lithops,seeds come from Mesa garden. Right now they're having their first moulting.
one more/ Too big pots! Too much moisture in the soil it is not good for them. If moisture in this big pots doesnt go away fast your plants can...
I see you have a lots of space in your greenhouse! You dont thinking about saving the space at all! Actually, Lithops growes well when they are...
9) Mammillaria matudae
Thank you for your edvice about seeds. I don't want to order seeds from Vancouver desert plant society because: They dont have a big selection...
need nice photos of your plant
I think it is Euphorbia cooperi. And I can see from the photos that your plant almost dead! Hope, I can see that nearly all plant is rotting!...
Hope is dying last one (from Russian) Roman
I think Agave parviflora is the right name. Actuallu my named as Agave parviflora Roman
Nice plant. I have it too. Now I keep this plant on south window, temperature is about 13C (I have all my succulent plants in this temperature)...
About grafted Gymnocalycium mihanovichii: For better result you can use "Stim-Root 0.4% IBA Rooting powder " It is kind of hormonic staff in...