Fizz, Not sure what it is either but I do hope you are not keeping it where you took the picture of it. It needs to be near a window with good...
I would almost bet on a racoon. Seems he has found an easy way to pull back your sod and get to the grubs underneath. My question would be why the...
Many years ago my parents bough some land in Tennesse. When I first saw it a was dismayed at the blanket of Kudzo that covered nearly three acres....
They look okay for newly planted. But I have xome concerns about the one planted so close to the corner of the garage. You have given it a home...
Take it from someone who has them (That would be me), do not let it take hold in your yard! It is very invasive, very brittle, and a general pest...
Just to add my two cents worth. I used to be surrounded by Citrus groves until about two years ago. Honey bees were never very prevalent in my...
I tend to agree with the Schinus terebinithifolius. The bark does look similar to some that I have seen when grown under certain conditions. I...
Thanks Marn, as soon as I saw your post I remembered the name (picture me slapping myself on the forehead). Like many of the plants in my yard...
Actually I was thinking one of the strains of Stenotaphrum secundatum, St. Augustine Grass. Gene
Check the photo. Did it look like this? I also have a picture of the blooms but I do not know what it is called. Gene
Careful with what you plant near these utility boxes. All utility companies have some sort of minimum clearance restrictions that if you plant...
One thing no one ever mentions is the fact that Dracaenasdo not tolerate fluoride in their water well. It almost always causes the edges of the...
I raised this pair of Bald Cypress from seedlings. The moss on the soil kind of volunteered itself. In the last year two of these branching stick...
Looks more like an Alocasia to me. One of the Aroids. Gene