I have been doing a lot of posting in plant id lately but I need advice on what to do about these vines that are strangling several trees in my...
Thank You rosemarie. I have so many plants and have no idea what they are. bsamot os SD county
here is pix of bush approximately two feet high, little red flower clusters...
Yet another tree that needs a name. There are many more... see pix my apologies for blurry pix bsamot SD County
in reference to the fuzzy ball seed "thingys" what is the proper term for this parts and I heard the term Bolting. Is this how they spread seed?
thank you for the prompt reply. Are they common plants? There is another ivy growing in my yard that has leaves that are light green in the...
if the pictures help, what are these trees. tried for full monty of tree plus a leave and some kind of seed "pod"
Do the Ivy samples in picture have names? Any help is appreciated! Bsamot of San Diego County
Here are two views of the trees in my yard. The sun was in a bad spot or I was.. I used the term exotic to be dramatic...Ha Ha This is all new...
Thank you for your help. I am definitely a newbie but am learning as we speak. The above mentioned rose is planted in front of a trellis. How...