Rhodo site I have found this Fraser South Rhododendron http://www.flounder.ca/FraserSouth/gallery.asp site useful for looking up species and...
The mushroom looks like Orange Clitocybe to me Clitocybe aurantiaca. Described as a flat cap with an inturned margin sometimes becoming funnel...
Mums... The care of mums can be as complicated or as simple as one feels. There are hundreds of cultivars categorised into over a dozen groups...
Seems to be Orange Hawkweed (Hieracium aurantiacum). A description (with poor pictures?) of this plant can be found on the BC Ministry of...
I realised from your response to my last posting that I was approaching this mystery wrongly. The mention of trade between Japan and the Ming...
I did some thinking on this mystery wood and without seeing it but noting the value and pavilion placement you mention, I had some ideas. Our west...
Your rose is being harvested by an Alfalfa Bee. This pattern is caused by the leaf cutter action of the Bee collecting for it's nest. If you watch...