I was taking a picture of my babies tonight and noticed that one of them have a burn like hole on the leafs. Does anyone know whats taken place...
That is so cool! I hope my twins would bloom within the next couple of years, their just babies right now :) Congratulations by the way :)
Can someone give me some pointers on Natural pesticide solutions products to get rid of pest?
Hey guys Sorry for taking so long to reply back. I've been quite busy with offline stuffs. Junglekeeper, The product that I use is called...
Yikes sorry guys for the slow response :) As you may see, I'm ignorant when it comes to planting. I just pickup the hobby (along with...
My original thread: My Red grapefruit seed produced twins I was reading some of the comments here about the decisions weather or not to split...
I hope you guys don't rip me apart for my ignorance. I was eating a store purchased grapefruit when I thought it would be a nice idea to plant...