Kaitin4 Thanks for your speedy reply. Topiary Gardens seems to be the place to go these days for hard-to-find varieties. Satsuki Beni sounds...
Kaitin4 What do you mean " does not compare " ? I am thinking of getting Satsuki Beni, but I want to be sure I am getting a tree with a growth...
This cultivar looks to be Osakazuki rubrum. Compare it to the pictures at the Esveld site. The growth rate there is not vigorous and the leaves...
Thanks Paxi If you could post a picture that would be helpful. Darn those deer. I fenced in my entire yard and put in a chain-link fence gate...
Does anyone out there know anything about this new cultivar? It is available at Topiary-Gardens.com but very little about the plant is given...