lorax do you know much about these plants.Like how to care for them. If help would be helpful.
This is not my plant i don't think cause the leaves don't look the same.
The pic i put on here a few days ago came from the web site gardenchoice.com where my friend brought the banana plant from;she gave me a little...
I got this banana plant for christmas and i live in nc;I,m not sure what kind of banana plant it is;so i can look up care information on it.The...
well i finally took the plant out of the pot it was in and it did have a lot of root rot.But now the hole plant has died.thanks for the help anyways.
sorry to answer back so late;have been moving;and now all the apples are gone from tree.I,ll try again next year with what kind of apples i may...
had a post on here before about some apples trees and what kind they are.The green apples has now turned to dark and light green;The other apple...
this plant was doing very well last week;the leaves got like this in just a few days.maybe in some kind of shock.
the plant was giving to me about 2 months ago.So i don't know when it was repotted last last;or what type of soli is in it.I water it well once a...
Something is happen to my peace plant;the leaves had turn yellow on it just a few days not sure why.Can any one help
the trunk is hard to the touch at top and at bottom;i did not have root rot when i repoted the plant.The top of the plant where the green leaves...
i think i know what kind of apple trees they are. i beleive they are the granny apples trees.But my question today;one of the three trees and...