David- Thanks for your help on this. I will look for the straps and also get some longer stakes. However, there needs to be some tug on the tree...
Our Ornamental Plum tree was planted two days ago. I stands about 8 feet tall. It was grown in a plastic potting bucket, maybe 8 to 10 gallon...
Great information- thanks Ron and M.D, Voden. Actually, we discussed the two and the Flowering Plum won out. It is in fact the "Thundercloud"...
So, reading up on Weeping Cherry trees, I am a little concerned about their heartyness. Also, we already have two new cherry trees this year (a...
Great! Thanks Ron !!
Hi, I saw some Weeping Cherry trees for sale at our local Lowe's Home Improvement Store. They are about 5 feet tall, and in 7 gallon containers...
Wow!! Its beautiful !!!!!!!!!! (And a beautiful price as well!) I have tree envy now...
The soil is very dry for the first two inches down. Also, the newest leaves that have fallen since yesterday (about 20) don't have spots like the...
Actually the ground is rather dry. The tree is on a gentle slope and it doesn't seem to be to wet. Actually, we had not had a measurable rain (or...
Thanks for the clarifications. I am glad its Kanzan, the other was sounds like that holiday. Anyway, I was looking at the newest leaf droppings....
I am glad that its not Leaf Spot, and am loking forward to its beautiful foliage this Autumn and the flowers next Spring. This is interesting- I...
Thank you for looking at the pictures and for your observation. I hope it is just an early autumn dropping. It is a new tree (we have planted...
Just started two days ago- our Kwanzan Cherry Tree, planted in May of 2013 (this year) has started getting a bunch of yellow leaves that are...