It's a little wilted now but hopefully it works.
Can someone help identify a tree for me.....leaves look similar to a fern, close to mountain ash but not thanks for any ideas
Thanks Silver Surfer....bang on. Props.
I have a plant in my back yard that has long green leaves almost like a daylily, and the flower stalks are about 2 ft. high. When the pods at the...
I just started germinating my tamarind seeds today. I looked on many websites about growing them but if anyone can give me some good first hand...
Thanks Sugarflower! So I guess tourists get talked into anything because who I got it from was told from a tourist shop in the Dominican that they...
That is really cool! Yeah I guess to look at it not knowing it was a seed you could imagine it might be anything. When I received it I said "what...
Hopefully this works! Thank you for your reply. ERIN
I just received a palm seed and I can't find it online to figure out what type of palm the seed belongs to. It looks similar to a Kukui nut from...